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Инопланетяне атакуэ

Добавлено: 28 май 2019, 12:32
New York Times писал(а):May 26, 2019

WASHINGTON — The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

“These things would be out there all day,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been with the Navy for 10 years, and who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/p ... ilots.html

Какие гипотезы? Секретный вундервафельный путиншушпанцер? :D

Re: Инопланетяне атакуэ

Добавлено: 28 май 2019, 14:12
БПЛА "Охотник" ещё не летал, ток "подскакивал" - знач не он.
Ядрёная ракета только в одну сторону летает.
Всё тки НЛО с пришельцаме !
Билли Майер 50 лет назад вещал про пришельцев-Плеяр - не верили, но лётчикам, да ещё сша -- надо верить, не все же служили на эсминце Д.Кук :smile: